Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Another month, another terse post to maintain the thin pretense of this blog. I hope that I’ll be able to devote more time and thought to this after the dust finally settles on the relocation. I guess we’ll see. Christmas was fun. Sammy made out like a bandit, thanks to the many wonderful gifts sent […]
Friday, September 16, 2011
Since telling people that we’re soon to be back on our native continent, I’ve had many people ask (on- and offline) whether I was going to change the title of this blog. A discussion of this blog’s title has been kicking around in my head since I first started it. My varied attempts to write […]
Thursday, August 25, 2011
We’re coming back to North America! This is a much-redacted stub of the big, detailed piece I wrote on the subject, which Martha felt was too detailed for right now. Anyway, we’re relocating to Richmond VA for the end of October. Our flights are booked, our stuff is packed, and we’ve steeled ourselves for another […]
Life here continues as it has for the past few weeks. We continue to wait for final confirmation of our big news. Although significant bureaucratic hurdles have been cleared, the finish line is still up ahead just out of reach. This ongoing source of tension has been largely allayed by Sammy, who seems to become […]
Sunday, February 13, 2011
More regular updates have been precluded by family sickness and the return of teething trouble with Sammy. Also, there’s momentous news on the horizon that’s been very distracting, but it’s not appropriate to discuss said news until it comes to fruition. Expect another post towards week’s end. In the mean time, here are some photos […]
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Today we’re observing one year in Neuchâtel, and all is well. Several weeks of familial illness seem to finally be coming to an end. Sammy is adjusting to his 2 mornings a week at crèche with a minimum of separation anxiety. Martha’s first annual work review went extremely well, with new opportunities and responsibilities coming down […]
My one and only New Years resolution is to make better and more frequent use of this forum. I’m sure doing a bang-up job of that. I will try to actually write something tomorrow.
September is a big month in Neuchâtel, and this September has been a big month for little Sammy. Here are the highlights: The beginning of the month featured a weeklong vocational fair called Capa’cité taking over the city centre. This would have been great, except the Green Village (featuring all kinds of outdoor work) was right in […]
It’s 6am here. I’m trying to get in a bit of communication with the outside world before Sammy’s awake and the day begins in earnest. Things here are goodish. Sammy’s not napping well anymore, but sleeps great through the night. While this is good as that we can at least sleep at night, I now […]
After 4 weeks of madness, things around here seem to have settled back into a happy routine. Here’s a terse summary of the recent past: Spending every Saturday, all Saturday, at IKEA for 4 weeks straight. The Saturday just past was the first that we were not there. 6 IKEA deliveries. The total mass of […]